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Coming Soon
- 60 Canadian dollars
- 80 Canadian dollars
- 80 Canadian dollars
- 110 Canadian dollars
Ce soin est uniquement offert en combinaison avec un autre soin esthétique à domicile
55 Canadian dollarsLoading days...
90 Canadian dollarsLoading days...
100 Canadian dollarsLoading days...
150 Canadian dollars

Our Story & Experience
We are a family business. Our company represents life!
The woman, being the source of it and the pillar of society, must maintain her internal and external health as well as that of her family.
The mind can only be at its full potential in a healthy body!
Therefore, COMMERCE MAATRIARCHE's mission is to bring authentic quality natural products to the market to help safeguard the integral health of each client, without any chemical or synthetic ingredients.
Preserving our health and a daily routine is a "way of life" and of course, it is part of a whole.